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PJ tours Masindi High Court Circuit
The Principal Judge, Hon. Justice Dr Flavian Zeija seated (M) during his visit in Masindi

The Principal Judge, Hon. Justice Dr Flavian Zeija, on June 16, 2020 toured a number of courts under Masindi High Court where he interacted with Judicial Officers and court staff.

His first stopover was Masindi High Court where he interacted with Resident Judge, Hon.Justice Gadenya Paul Wolimbwa.

In his brief to the Principal Judge, Hon. Justice Gadenya said the High Court has nearly 1,800 cases pending. Adding that as at the end of May, backlog accounted for 47 per cent of the cases. Of these, at 90 files were pending judgment. He added that between February and May 200 cases had been concluded.

He said there was need for special intervention to handle cases in Hoima and that there was need for another Magistrate to ably handle matters at Kiryandongo Chief Magistrate's Court.

Regarding his request for an additional Judge, the Principal Judge said when additional Judges are received, he would deploy a Judge to Hoima. 

Hon.Lady Justice Jane Okuo from the Anti-Corruption Division, the Ag Registrar High Court, HW Mary Ikit, Assistant Registrars; HW James on Karemani and HW Kintu Simon Zirintus a attended the meeting. HW Kule Moses Lubangula, Chief Magistrate;Magistrates; HW Biwaga Selsa and HW Aber Irene. Judiciary's Technical Advisor,Mr Andrew Khaukha was in attendance as well as representatives from the different Justice Law and Order Sector institutions.

From the High Court, the Principal Judge headed to the Chief Magistrate's Court where he inspected the court premises. The dilapidated ceiling in the court hall is threatening to give way. The Chief Magistrate explained that several interventions had been made but none offering a lasting solution. "There is need for a new roof and General refurbishments on the structure," he said. 

Interms of workload, there are 1,365 cases pending in the CM Court. The court has inadequate staff and as such, the office attendants have to multi-task yet most are not conversant with the local languages. 

The Magistrates explained that they inherited old land matters dating as far back as 2009. They requested backlog funds in order to carry out locus visits and conclude the matters. 

It was reported that there was need to boost the ICT system to enable it handle more than three computers.

From Masindi, the Principal Judge went to Kiryandongo for an impromptu visit where Magistrate Grade One, HW Augustine Alule, received him. 

He was taken on a guided tour of the premises. Thereafter, the Principal Judge interacted with the court staff and shared best practices to ensure the court has updated registers.

Posted 17th, June 2020
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